

Easy to use, efficient and safe TELLAP has many advantages 

Logistic Savings


TELLAP creates savings by using the space between the sleeves for product increasing payload by up to 10%. This mean 10% fewer bags, fewer containers and trucks resulting in lower costs per metric tonne of product transported.


Sleeves weigh 2.3kg; a export wood pallet can weigh 25kg. Replacing 20 pallets in a container with TELLAP can remove up to 500kg of dead weight. Remove the heavy pallets and transport an extra 500kg of product at no additional cost.


TELLAP is a single operator product. The integrated sleeves hold the bag open for forklift tines. This allows a forklift operator to easily handle the bag reducing both time and cost. TELLAP only ever needs one person as there are no heavy pallets to move or top straps to lift.


TELLAP is 100% plastic with no warp, shrinkage or absorption of moisture. Plastic means no damage from nails, splinters, shards or mould resulting in less product loss, fewer cleanups and no machinery jamming issues.


ISPM15 compliant, there is no need for nasty chemical fumigation or heat treatment required for wood pallets.


We tailor the bags to your requirements, the product and mode of transport. Our bag optimisation increases efficiency lowering transport costs per metric tonne.

Administrative Savings

Single order processing – bags and pallets normally come from different suppliers. Your TELLAP distributor provides both bag and sleeves as a single order reducing paperwork and administration costs. Time spent raising orders, processing invoices, paying suppliers and doing stock-take is halved. What is your cost to raise an order or pay an invoice?

On site deliveries reduced by 60% - one pallet takes the same space as 3 pair of sleeves. A typical truck will deliver 540 pallets or 1620 pair of sleeves. TELLAP sleevesReducing deliveries means fewer trucks to unload, fewer forklift movements, less storage and labor requirements.

Stability and Storage

Bulk bags on pallets are unstable. Sharp edges, nails or splinters can puncture bags causing leakage and an unsafe workplace.

TELLAP bags have no sharp edges, no nails or splinters to contaminate product or puncture the bag. If one bag bumps another its fabric on fabric. There is no damage, contamination or spillage.

To improve safety many companies store bags one high. TELLAP's excellent stability allows multiple stacking maximising space while reducing storage requirements.

Occupational Health and Safety

Injuries from pallets are common. Whether a back injury from moving a pallet or laceration from exposed nails or splinters accidents can result in lost time and medical costs. TELLAP is light-weight and 100% plastic there are no nails or splinters to cause injury.

It's common for workers climb a stack of bags or crawl into a container to lift bulk bag straps for forklift tines, this is extremely dangerous. TELLAP with the bag held open by the sleeves for forklift tines is a single operator product. No worker is put in danger of injury.

 Forklift safety

TELLAP bulk bags

TELLAP raised from the base

Bags hanging from forklift tines can obstruct a drivers vision, potentially dangerous in busy workplaces. Bag straps are under enormous stress. Strap failure is the most common bag issue.

Raised from the base TELLAP does not obstruct the drivers vision or put stress on top straps. Better vision, no strap failures, less injury creates a safer  more productive  workplace.

Sustainable Savings

Millions of wood pallets are dumped or sent to landfill each year, incurring a disposal cost and wasting resources. TELLAP reuse or recycle - no dumping - no disposal cost.

Operational and transport efficiencies create savings